We're excited to introduce the Elements Premium Pre Rolled Cones! We all know and love Elements papers and they've just got even better because you can now simply fill the pre rolled cone with your favourite herbs and off you go. 40 pack

Elements | 40s Pre Rolled Cones


  • £12.00
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We're excited to introduce the Elements Premium Pre Rolled Cones!

We all know and love Elements papers and they've just got even better because you can now simply fill the pre rolled cone with your favourite herbs and off you go.

Why buy Pre Rolled Cones when you can roll it yourself I hear you ask. There are several key benefits to pre rolls that make them worth your while.

First, they're made perfectly so you won't be enduring any side burn.

Second, There is no excess paper. Unless you backstrap your rolls every time, you almost always end up with more paper than you need. This means its more unhealthy and the paper takes away from the taste of your herbs.

Finally, the convenience! When your just too tired and you want to have a smoke, pre rolls are the answer. They all come with roaches and a PDT so all you have to do is fill. You'll be smoking in a minute or two!

For the perfect smoke, go for the Elements Pre Rolled Cones!

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